Infinite Terror (Part 2)-The Slaughter of the Giant Dragons (Chapter 9)-Ancient Demons and Return (5)

The monster utilized the mighty power of time suspension, but being merely a sorcerer and not a saint, this was its utmost limit. Complete control was beyond its grasp, offering Zheng a sliver of escape. However, trapped in the frozen time, Zheng remained oblivious to all this. Only Xuan had anticipated this turn of events.

Xuan soared into the sky, positioning himself above the royal castle. Clutching a Gauss handgun in one hand, his eyes blazed with fervent emotions. At that moment, his power of belief was fully activated, reaching the peak of his current strength, which was the initial phase of the fourth level of gene lock unlocking.

"I will pierce through to the bottomless abyss, I must! I can do it!"