Chapter 16 New Student Assessment

"Alright, that's it. If anyone has objections, speak up now. I'll give you one day to think it over. The other classes are also forming groups, but none are moving as fast as we are. Let them dawdle. Hand over the papers you've filled out, and then you can all go. After you get back, make sure to rest well. No one is allowed to go off causing trouble. The results I want from tomorrow's newcomer assessment is for all twenty-two groups to advance. If anyone is eliminated, not only will you pack up and leave, but I will also leave you with some lasting memories."

As they looked into Zhou Yi's suddenly stern eyes, each student couldn't help but shiver. Undoubtedly, the memories Zhou Yi would leave them with were likely to be nightmares.

For a moment, the atmosphere among the students of the Newcomer Class One became incredibly tense. Even if it was just to avoid being tormented by Teacher Zhou, they had to try their best to pass the assessment!

"Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, the three of you stay behind."

After the other students had handed in the papers, which they had written their future training preferences on, they left the classroom and returned to their dormitories. Only Huo Yuhao and his two companions remained. At this point, the other classes were still enthusiastically discussing the grouping for the newcomer assessment.

"Give them to me. Wang Dong, what are you hiding for?" Zhou Yi asked for the papers from Huo Yuhao's group as Wang Dong immediately lowered his head and quietly stepped back, hiding behind Huo Yuhao.

Zhou Yi looked at the three pieces of paper in her hand, her eyes twitching, then looked up at Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao again.

Under her piercing gaze, Huo Yuhao and the others felt as if they'd been seen through.

"Well, well! The three of you are giving me a hard time, aren't you?" She picked up one of the papers and slapped it onto the desk.

"Bang!" The three students trembled simultaneously.

"Control-class," Zhou Yi said coldly.

Then she picked up a second piece of paper and slapped it down on the desk as well.

"Control-class!" Her voice noticeably rose. Huo Yuhao was somewhat surprised as he looked at Wang Dong beside him. Clearly, this second piece of paper was his!

"Bang—" Zhou Yi's final slap almost shattered the desk, "Still control-class."

"What?" This time, both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were surprised, and they both turned to look at Xiao Xiao, who was fiddling with the hem of her dress with her head down. In their memory, Xiao Xiao was supposed to be a support-class tool master. How had she become control-class?

Zhou Yi's mouth twitched along with the corners of her eyes, "Are the three of you little rascals doing this on purpose? Although the newcomer assessment limits each group to only one offensive member, it also stipulates that the three members' inclinations cannot be the same. But the three of you have given me control-class, is this deliberate? If it weren't for the fact that the competition starts tomorrow, I would have you run outside for ten hours to clear your heads. Huo Yuhao, you first, what's going on? Your spirit martial soul is perfect as auxiliary, what do you mean by going control-class?"

Huo Yuhao quickly said, "Teacher Zhou, I have always wanted to become a control-class Battle Soul Master. My Spiritual Detection can have a thorough observation of the entire field, and moreover, my spirit eyes will certainly absorb offensive soul skills from the soul rings I acquire in the future. Therefore, I don't want to simply be a support class. The control class should be more suitable for my future development."

Zhou Yi slowly nodded and said, "You make some sense. A control class has more prospects than a support class, so there's nothing wrong with your choice. You've passed. Wang Dong, what are you hiding for? Come out. It makes some sense for Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao to choose control class, but what about you? You're a direct-attack class Battle Soul Master and you write down control class, are you deliberately causing trouble?"

"Err..." Wang Dong cautiously stepped out from behind Huo Yuhao, with an apologetic smile, he said, "Teacher Zhou, please don't be angry. Actually, I think my abilities also suit being a control-class Battle Soul Master. Right, if I can use my offensive power to control the whole field, isn't that control? And, I can fly and attack from a distance, so it's not impossible for me to control the field."

"You..." Zhou Yi was almost amused to anger by Wang Dong, she glared at him with deep meaning, "Don't think that I don't know that you just don't want to be separated from Huo Yuhao. You may be a fool, but you are the highest in cultivation in the class and can barely be considered a genius. They say you're clever, but sometimes you are so stupid that bubbles could come out of your nose. When have you ever seen a direct-attack class Battle Soul Master and a control class Battle Soul Master be separated? It's fine to divide the classes, but direct-attack class Battle Soul Master and control class Battle Soul Master should be together. You fool, change it."

As she spoke, she tossed the white paper towards Wang Dong.

"Cough, cough..." Although he was called a fool, Wang Dong was still in high spirits, quickly changing control-class to direct-attack class, and then respectfully handed it back to Zhou Yi.

"Hmph!" Zhou Yi huffed angrily, her gaze finally turning to Xiao Xiao, "If I'm not mistaken, your Martial Soul is the rare Soul Calming Cauldron among Tool Souls, which can be considered top-tier. The main effect of the Soul Calming Cauldron is auxiliary, so why did you also choose control?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at Wang Dong and softly said, "Teacher Zhou, my Soul Calming Cauldron isn't quite the same as the ordinary ones, it integrates both offense and support, and it can barely be used for defense as well, so it's a variant called the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron."

Zhou Yi was stunned for a moment, then said, "Xiao Xiao, don't you know that having too disparate of a focus can be detrimental to your future development? I suggest it's better for you to develop in one direction. Even with a mutant Martial Soul, you still need to have a focus when attaching soul rings."

Xiao Xiao nodded and said, "I know, that's why I chose mainly offense and defense for the abilities of the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron."

Zhou Yi frowned and said, "That still has nothing to do with control!" It was clear that she was very patient with this girl named Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao quietly said, "But, I have another Martial Soul that can assist and control."

"What?" Not only Zhou Yi was greatly surprised, but Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong also widened their eyes. Wang Dong was especially shocked; he had always thought he was unmatched in power among the newcomers, but had not expected such a hidden talent in their midst.

"Twin Martial Souls?" Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong almost exclaimed in unison.

Xiao Xiao shyly bowed her head.

Zhou Yi's expression changed repeatedly. For the first time in the first-class newcomers, a situation beyond her control had occurred. After pondering for a moment, she said, "Alright, control class it is then. It will also facilitate your future coordination as a trio. Although the freshmen assessment is just your first assessment at Shrek Academy, it is very important for your path of cultivation to come. Only by getting good rankings in the freshmen assessment can you possibly appear on the cultivation roster of the academy. In our class, the three of you are the ones I have the highest hopes for, there's no need to mention Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao; you both have talent and strength that surpass the other students. As for Huo Yuhao, although your cultivation is not strong and your talent is average, you have perseverance that others cannot match and a special spiritual attribute martial soul. The three of your abilities already complement each other even without considering Xiao Xiao's second Martial Soul. I have a task for you: in the freshmen assessment, you only have one goal, and that is the championship. If you can't bring back the championship, forget about Xiao Xiao, but the two of you better get ready to keep training with me."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Teacher Zhou, even if I do win the championship, I am willing to keep following your training."

Zhou Yi was taken aback, "Silly boy, don't you think I'm very strict? I am very well aware of what they call me behind my back. You don't need to flatter me."

Huo Yuhao shook his head, seriously saying, "No, Teacher Zhou. I really am willing to keep learning from you. Although you are somewhat strict, it is only by following you that I can learn more useful things. I've occasionally observed students from other classes, and at least during these three months for the new students, their progress hasn't been as significant as our classmates'."

Zhou Yi's face finally showed a hint of a smile, although her aged face did not look particularly pleasant when smiling, it was still the first time Huo Yuhao felt a gentle emotion coming from her.

"Alright, you three go back and rest. Remember, the championship is something you must achieve. Moreover, I can tell you in advance, our Shrek Academy has never been short on resources, not just once or twice. Among all the assessments of the academy, the rewards for the freshman assessment champions and the outer court graduation assessment champions are the most generous. As for what they are, you will naturally know once you have won the championship. Go now, go back and adjust your condition, I believe in your strength."

"Yes." The three of them responded simultaneously, walking out of the classroom together.

No sooner had they left the room than Xiao Xiao seemed to muster up her courage, "Wang Dong, can I talk to you for a bit?"

But Wang Dong just waved his hand, "No need, I have to go back and prepare for tomorrow's match. Xiao Xiao, once the assessment starts, we'll all see the power of your Twin Martial Souls." Having said that, he grabbed Huo Yuhao's shoulder and headed out first.

Watching the disappointment in Xiao Xiao's eyes, Huo Yuhao smiled at her. Xiao Xiao forced a smile in return. They were both still very young, and any vague feelings for the opposite sex were mainly based on appearance. While Wang Dong's rejection did leave Xiao Xiao feeling somewhat disappointed, she didn't dwell on it much, only thinking to herself: What's so great about him? Once the assessment starts, he will see my capabilities. Hmph. Her pride was always hidden deep inside her heart.

"She has a good feeling for you, there's no need for you to reject her so blatantly," Huo Yuhao teased Wang Dong.

Over the past three months, the two had become very close, and the intense training life at the academy was a physical test for Huo Yuhao, but his mind felt more relaxed than ever before. Here, at least, every student was equal; there was absolutely none of that sense of class hierarchy like in the Duke's Mansion. With his mind liberated, his personality had become much more open, a far cry from the somewhat silent and shy youth he had been when he first arrived.

Wang Dong curled his lips, bragging, "There are plenty of girls who like me, should I respond to every single one of them?" He continued, with an air of false maturity, "We're still young, we should prioritize our studies; how can we be distracted by anything else? Huo Yuhao, your mentality is really unhealthy."

"I…" Huo Yuhao really couldn't argue with that, "You win!"

Wang Dong laughed, "Let's go, we got out of school early today. Let's get some grilled fish to eat. The official registration is tomorrow, and I guess the assessment won't start until the day after. Our time to shine has come."

Huo Yuhao complained, "You eat grilled fish every day, don't you ever get tired of it? Besides, the assessment is coming up; it's time for some last minute cramming."

Wang Dong snorted, "You and your stubborn mind, always training and training, aren't you afraid you'll train yourself silly?"

Huo Yuhao chuckled and said, "I have limited talent, so the early bird needs to catch the worm sooner to enter the forest. As you know, the reason my Soul Power has reached level seventeen is mostly due to medicinal aid. Now I finally have some chance of passing the assessment. Teacher Zhou has put you, Xiao Xiao, and me in one group, which is obviously taking care of me. If I don't work hard now, wouldn't I be letting down Teacher Zhou's kind intentions?"

Wang Dong pursed his lips and said, "Your talent may not be great, but your Martial Soul is pretty good. Don't worry, with this genius here, not to mention dealing with a few freshmen, even second-year students might not be able to beat me. When the time comes, you just need to cast your Shared Spiritual Detection, then stand back and watch. With this genius taking action, isn't the championship within easy reach?"

Huo Yuhao reminded, "Our Shrek Academy is known as the Best Academy Under the Heavens, always full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. You mustn't be careless. However, Xiao Xiao does seem to have good strength, so the two of you should cooperate well when the time comes."

He had four Spirit Skills, but Wang Dong only knew about his Shared Spiritual Detection. As for direct combat ability, although Huo Yuhao had laid some foundation after learning the Tang Sect ultimate techniques, he was still not enough for fighting powerful Soul Masters solely relying on the Tang Sect techniques and his Martial Soul. As Wang Dong said, his greatest utility in the assessments was truly his Shared Spiritual Detection.

Although Wang Dong could verbally overpower Huo Yuhao, he couldn't actually overrule his stubbornness. After returning to their dorm, they ultimately both practiced meditation and cultivation, but Huo Yuhao also promised Wang Dong to prepare extra grilled fish that night so he could eat his fill.

At Level Seventeen of Soul Power, one could already gather a white stream of energy within the body, circulating it along the pathway of the Mystic Sky Method, making one feel clear and warm throughout every meridian, not only comfortable but also showing obvious progress.

After three months of hard training, Huo Yuhao vaguely felt his meridians had widened substantially thanks to the dual nurturing effects of the Profound Water Pills and the secret methods of the Mystic Sky Method. They had become very elastic and resilient. Physically, he was now comparable to any of his peers. However, since he had entered the proper path later than others, catching up to Wang Dong seemed unlikely, leaving him to make progress together with his peers.

At this rate, Huo Yuhao was confident that by the time he graduated from the first year, his cultivation would break through to level twenty, allowing him to obtain his second soul ring. Brother Heavenly Dream had once said that once he had the second soul ring, his strength would leap forward, especially as his Ice Martial Spirit would truly obtain its own abilities.

Huo Yuhao was looking forward to that moment very much; when the time came, fighting side by side with Wang Dong again, he would undoubtedly be able to help him even more.

Time always flew by when meditating, and soon evening arrived. As usual, Huo Yuhao went to the cafeteria to buy processed green fish and headed straight for the academy's gate.

Today, the flow of people at the academy gate was visibly reduced, perhaps because of the impending freshman assessment, and the vast majority of newcomers had a sense of urgency and were staying in their dormitories for intensive cultivation.

However, Huo Yuhao's business was not affected by this. By the time he arrived, a line had already formed, and in first place, remarkably, was Xu Sanshi.

"Ding—" Xu Sanshi flipped a silver coin to Huo Yuhao and said, "Keep the change. Give me a big one."

Huo Yuhao chuckled and said, "Big Brother Xu, you really are undeterred by wind and rain!"

Any past grievances between the two had long faded, and seeing each other daily, they had become familiar. After becoming acquainted, Huo Yuhao found that though Xu Sanshi wasn't as gentle as Bei Bei and was somewhat hot-tempered, he was incredibly loyal and warm-hearted.

Xu Sanshi chuckled and said, "What can I do when I've taken a liking to this dish of yours? I can't enjoy my dinner without having some of your fish in the evening. I've eaten plenty of grilled fish before, but none had controlled the heat as well as you do. Even Jiang Nannan has praised your grilling skills. By the way, I heard you have a freshman assessment coming up?"

Huo Yuhao nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Xu Sanshi said, "Then you must work hard, and make sure you don't get eliminated. Otherwise, I'll have nowhere to enjoy grilled fish." Even now he didn't know that behind Bei Bei's victory over him was Huo Yuhao's influence. He thought Huo Yuhao was just mediocre in talent and it was all about the delicious grilled fish. In fact, Huo Yuhao's reputation for grilling fish at Shrek Academy definitely surpassed his strength by a lot.

"Little Xu," at this moment, a cold voice suddenly rang out. Hearing this voice, Xu Sanshi shivered and Huo Yuhao actually saw a hint of fear in his eyes, but it was overshadowed by helplessness.

The other diners lined up behind Xu Sanshi instantly fell silent like cicadas in winter.

A woman walked out of the academy gate and slowly approached, the crowd naturally parted to make way for her. Everyone was hesitant to even glance her way and lowered their heads instead. This reaction obviously went beyond what Jiang Nannan's appearance had caused.

Huo Yuhao looked up and saw a woman in red approaching. She had a shapely figure and the first thing one would notice was her somewhat exaggerated curves, but her waist was very slender, with the line widening abruptly at the hips, and her legs were straight, exuding a strong sense of youthful vitality.

Yet, her face couldn't be seen because she was wearing a red veil, but from the area around her eyes, one could tell she was definitely a beauty. Her light pink eyes could easily captivate and mesmerize people. Fortunately, her gaze was cold, which somewhat dampened the seductive power of her eyes.

Xu Sanshi obviously knew her, and, steeling himself, he turned around without looking into her eyes, slightly lowering his head, he said, "Sister Xiao Tao."

This surprised Huo Yuhao even more. Xu Sanshi was fierce and unyielding by nature, and as a fifth-year student, his status in the outer court was even higher than Bei Bei's. Due to his strong talent, many sixth-year students were somewhat in awe of him. Not even a teacher could make him behave like this! Who exactly was this woman in red? For some reason, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, who was beside him, felt like they had seen this woman before.

The woman in red glanced at Huo Yuhao's grill and slowly walked up to Xu Sanshi, saying, "Little Xu, are you out here to eat grilled fish?"

Xu Sanshi nodded, "Yeah! Yuhao's grilled fish is extraordinary, very delicious."

A trace of curiosity appeared in the woman's eyes as she said to Huo Yuhao, "I'd like to try one, too." She certainly wasn't some celestial being uninterested in the pleasures of the world; she spent most of her days cultivating, and naturally, she was interested in new and peculiar things.

Huo Yuhao unconsciously replied, "I'm sorry, I only sell thirty a day, and there are already enough people lined up for thirty today. Please come earlier tomorrow if you would like one."

The same words he didn't know how many times he'd said to numerous people. But this time, as soon as the words left his mouth, almost everyone in line suddenly looked up with terrified expressions, Xu Sanshi included.

Immediately thereafter, to Huo Yuhao's great surprise, the people who had been standing behind Xu Sanshi scattered in a tumult, leaving no one behind in an instant.

The woman in red smiled and said, "There, now the queue is gone, I suppose I should be able to get one."


Xu Sanshi kept making eyes at Huo Yuhao. Huo Yuhao wasn't unreasonable and nodded his head, continuing to grill the fish attentively.

Wang Dong, on the other hand, was not pleased and said somewhat resentfully, "Who are you, and why are you disrupting our business?"

The woman in red raised her right hand, revealing slender fingers like tender onion shoots. On her right index finger, there was a large ruby, its vivid, pigeon-blood red color was stunning, and with a flash of light, a golden soul coin appeared in her hand. She handed it to Wang Dong, "I'm covering the cost of today's grilled fish."

Wang Dong was far from polite as he took the golden soul coin without another word. Although the woman in red had forced many people away with her imposing manner, she did not seem unreasonable. Moreover, he had a vague feeling that something was off and felt a touch of fear towards the woman in red.

But Huo Yuhao was very straightforward, "There's no need for so much money; my grilled fish are five copper soul coins each."

The woman in red did not seem keen to talk more and said indifferently, "Consider it a deposit. Next time I want to eat and you refuse my money, that'll be fine."

"Okay," Huo Yuhao agreed while nodding and carefully continued to grill the fish.

The woman in red seemed to originally be looking for Xu Sanshi, but now she no longer paid attention to him and was instead engrossed in watching Huo Yuhao grill the fish.

After a moment, she let out a light exclamation, "The control of heat is so perfect—are you a fire attribute martial soul?" She herself was an expert at manipulating fire and could tell that Huo Yuhao was expertly adjusting the position of the fish and his control over the flames was flawless.

Huo Yuhao shook his head.

A short while later, the first batch of four grilled fish was ready. Since there were no other customers that day, Huo Yuhao handed two each to the woman in red and Xu Sanshi. He actually purchased more than thirty greenfish every day; the extras were naturally for Tang Ya and Wang Dong.

Xu Sanshi seemed somewhat perturbed by the presence of the woman in red and didn't eat his grilled fish with his usual enthusiasm. However, the woman in red slowly lifted her veil, revealing her stunningly beautiful face, and began to eat at a leisurely pace.

She ate carefully and elegantly, but what shocked Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong was that the fishbones vanished mysteriously from her hands without leaving a trace after she finished eating. Even though she was holding the fish directly, not a single trace of grease remained on her hands.

What was this ability? Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong exchanged a look, both seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

The two grilled fish were quickly consumed, and the woman in red nodded to Huo Yuhao, "Your grilled fish are very tasty, flavorful, and there is a sense of earnestness to them. Let me see your martial soul."

Her words carried a tone that brooked no refusal. Last time, when the flames inside her burst forth and were suppressed by that strange ice attribute, it relieved her of the need to worry about her own martial soul's overbearing evil fire for the following three months. However, as time passed, the ice attribute aura was gradually refined by her own Phoenix Flame, and the backlash began to appear again. She came looking for Xu Sanshi because, among the current students, Xu Sanshi's Profound Nether Tortoise Martial Soul was the best water attribute one, and she could use it to help suppress the evil fire within her body. This process was beneficial for Xu Sanshi, like tempering steel, but the experience was extremely painful. That was why Xu Sanshi had such a distressed look on his face when he saw her. It wasn't the first time he had been tormented by it.


Huo Yuhao's brow furrowed slightly, and Wang Dong by his side was even more indignant but was stopped by Huo Yuhao's raised hand. He slowly raised his head to look at the woman in red, and a pale golden light shone in his eyes. At the same time, a purple hue rippled through the deep blue of his irises.

Among the Tang Sect's ultimate techniques, Huo Yuhao's Purple Demon Eyes had improved the fastest. When he absorbed the eastern purple qi each morning, his spirit eyes naturally experienced a siphoning sensation. He could progress more in one day of cultivation than what Bei Bei and Tang Ya could achieve in ten days, so his Purple Demon Eyes advanced very quickly.

The woman in red's long eyelashes lifted slightly as she felt the magic of Huo Yuhao's Shared Spiritual Detection.

As his cultivation improved, the power of Huo Yuhao's Soul Rings started to increase as well. Just as the Skydream Ice Silkworm had said, the first Soul Ring would be as powerful as Huo Yuhao's capacity to endure.

The initial first Soul Ring contained four skills equivalent to the effects of approximately four hundred years' Soul Rings. But now, the first Soul Ring had the power of about six hundred years. The range of Spiritual Detection and spiritual disturbance had reached a diameter of fifty meters, becoming more detailed and into the micro.

A part of the first seal inside Huo Yuhao by the Skydream Ice Silkworm had opened, and as long as there was a breakthrough in Huo Yuhao's cultivation, the power of the first Soul Ring would naturally enhance further. This was something most Soul Masters would not even dare to dream of. With Huo Yuhao's cultivation progress, his first Soul Ring would only become more terrifying in the future.

The Skydream Ice Silkworm couldn't gift Huo Yuhao with immense power all at once, but it had given him a future of astonishing talent and brilliance.

The Shared Spiritual Detection lasted only about ten seconds before Huo Yuhao withdrew it. The woman in red seemed to freeze for a moment before nodding at Huo Yuhao and taking another deep look at the only white Soul Ring rising from his feet. She said, "This is the most powerful ten-year Soul Ring I've ever seen."

Huo Yuhao replied naturally, "No matter how powerful, it's still a ten-year Soul Ring."

The woman in red chuckled and said, "My name is Ma Xiaotao, I'm pleased to meet you, and I'll come back for your grilled fish if I have the chance. Little Xu, let's go."

Xu Sanshi made a bitter face and said, "Sister Xiao Tao, can you take it easy today?"

Ma Xiaotao glanced at him coldly, and Xu Sanshi immediately changed his tune, "No problem, I have no problems at all." While speaking, he quickly walked ahead, making a gesture to lead the way for Ma Xiaotao.

Not until the two entered the Academy did Wang Dong whisper, "Her name is so tacky."

Huo Yuhao said, "What can a name prove? Don't you find her a bit familiar?"

Wang Dong suddenly startled, "Could it be that person we met before? In red clothes, could she be an inner court disciple?"

Huo Yuhao shrugged his shoulders, indicating he did not know.

No sooner had Ma Xiaotao and Xu Sanshi left than people rushed back to queue up again, with a senior from the outer court's fourth year overhearing the two's conversation and immediately whispering, "Keep your voices down, juniors. Inner court disciples are not to be discussed lightly, especially Senior Sister Xiao Tao."

Huo Yuhao was surprised and said, "So she really is from the inner court?"

The senior replied, "Of course. Here at Shrek Academy, those who wear red are seniors from the inner court. I do not know how many people are in the inner court, but it is true that seniors from the inner court rarely come out. There are rankings within the inner court, and the competition is fierce. Senior Sister Xiao Tao is ranked among the top ten, and her strength is something we cannot match. It seems that Senior Brother Sanshi has a good relationship with Senior Sister Xiao Tao, perhaps she will recommend him for the inner court in the future."

Wang Dong asked curiously, "Recommendations are needed to enter the inner court?"

The senior said, "Of course! But I'm not too clear on the exact process. However, it is said that every outer court student who wants to enter must have an inner court student's recommendation."

The grilled fish sold smoothly, and as the business was winding down, Bei Bei and Tang Ya arrived together. Huo Yuhao took out the fish he had prepared for them and treated them to the meal.

"Little junior brother, the freshman assessment starts tomorrow. I have accurate information that registration is in the morning, and the assessment will begin in the afternoon. You must prepare well," said Bei Bei, ever so gentle as always.

Huo Yuhao nodded and said, "Big senior brother, I will definitely do my best to pass the assessment."

Bei Bei smiled, and Tang Ya at his side said, "Little Yuhao, I can't just eat your grilled fish for free. Here's something good for you to use." As she said this, she handed Huo Yuhao something that resembled a Treasure Bag. "Classify them into your Twenty-four Bridge Moonlit Night when you get back. When you use them, be careful not to hit vital spots. Also, after you pass the freshman assessment, you will start elective courses on Soul Guidance Device crafting, and then Teacher will teach you more unique skills."

"Thank you, Teacher Xiao Ya," Huo Yuhao said as he took the Treasure Bag, roughly guessing what was inside.

Wang Dong asked with curiosity, "Teacher Xiao Ya, aren't Soul Guidance Devices forbidden in the freshman assessment?"

Tang Ya replied irritably, "Use Soul Guidance Devices? Don't you know what my Tang Sect is famous for?"

When Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong returned to their dormitory and opened the Treasure Bag, they were nonetheless shocked. It was filled with hidden weapons, including throwing knives, firing needles, bone-penetrating nails, and many more, each type numbering in the hundreds. This bag could be considered an arsenal of hidden weapons.

Obviously, Tang Ya had prepared these because Huo Yuhao's Martial Soul did not possess much in the way of offensive methods. Over the past three months, Huo Yuhao had made progress in the Tang Sect ultimate techniques and begun to delve into Hidden Weapons Hundred Solutions. Being bright and eager to learn, he had now mastered two or three techniques, so using hidden weapons with accurate aim was no problem. They posed a significant threat to the new students with only one or two Soul Rings.

After seeing Huo Yuhao's hidden weapons, Wang Dong couldn't help but curl his lip, "Your Teacher Xiao Ya obviously underestimates me. With me around, there's no need for you to lift a finger."