Chapter 19: The Heavenly Web Martial Soul Fusion Skill

This was a team consisting entirely of students above level 20! They hadn't secured the first place in their original area? This was also the first team Huo Yuhao's team had encountered that was made up of two-ring Grand Soul Masters.

Huang Chutian and his two teammates were indeed very strong, but they met opponents in their original area who happened to counter them perfectly, resulting in a score of four victories and one loss, which relegated them to second place, bringing them here.

On the other side, Wang Dong flew out at the first opportunity, his wings unfurling. The appearance of the dazzling Bright Goddess Butterfly filled the eyes of Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo, the pair of young girls, with starlight, and their gazes towards Wang Dong changed immediately.

With a low growl, Huang Chutian stepped forward briskly and advanced towards Wang Dong, his footsteps booming "thud, thud, thud" on the ground. When he was still three meters away from Wang Dong, he suddenly leaped into the air, his fists smashing straight towards him.

Wang Dong brought his wings together behind him, taking the blow directly.

With a "boom," he was actually slammed down from the air, landing and retreating several steps before stabilizing his body.

As soon as Huang Chutian's feet touched the ground, he leapt again, pursuing Wang Dong.

Just then, a pitch-black cauldron appeared silently at the highest point of Huang Chutian's leap, looking as if he had slammed into it himself.

Huang Chutian blinked, realizing that with no leverage in mid-air, he could not change direction after jumping, and so his fists had to change course towards the black cauldron instead.

Strangely, just as he changed his actions, the cauldron suddenly moved back by thirty centimeters, perfectly dodging his punches, and then surged forward in an instant.

Huang Chutian was fierce though, thrusting his head forward, audaciously clashing with his head against the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron.

"Bang"—Huang Chutian was knocked back into a reverse flight, while the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron descended from the sky, landing right in front of Wang Dong. Thus, Xiao Xiao finally made her first move in the freshmen assessment.

Wang Yan, who was in charge of supervising the match, brightened at this sight. Of course, he could see how exceptional Xiao Xiao's Martial Soul was, and what impressed him even more was Xiao Xiao's control of timing.

Wang Dong turned back and smiled at Xiao Xiao, saying, "I was just testing his strength. This guy's Martial Soul must be the Titan Ape with a copper skin and iron bones; no wonder he's so strong. Watch this." As he spoke, he leaped into the air again, tapping his toes on the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron before him, as his first soul ring began to shine.

"Huang Chutian, let's see if your copper skin and iron bones can withstand my Wing Scythe Blade." With his wings spread wide, he charged straight at his opponent.

As Wang Dong was sent flying, on the other side, Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo withdrew their gaze from him and turned to face each other, joining hands at the same time. A more intense soul power fluctuation immediately burst forth from their bodies. Their long blue hair, which had previously been over ten meters long, suddenly shot up into the air, forming a large net in the sky that went straight for Wang Dong.

Using a net to deal with a butterfly was evidently the best method.

Net Launch was the identical first soul skill of the twin girls. With two of the same soul skill and their telepathic coordination, when the blue net covered Wang Dong, there were no angles or blind spots in Huo Yuhao's spiritual detection.

Huang Chutian quickly retreated backward, into the net, but the blue hairs parted like they had eyes, not touching his body.

The situation Huo Yuhao had most feared still occurred: the opposition also had a combination of one direct-attack and two control-class soul masters. Moreover, the two control-class soul masters were twins, which naturally allowed for even more tacit coordination.

The formidable power of Wang Dong's Wing Scythe Blade showed itself at that moment. The Net Launch, originally a counter to his butterfly martial soul, was rendered ineffective as his wing blades swung with sharp edges that carried immense destructive power. Two huge, blue-golden wings swung upward and downward, tearing a hole through the net, and he rapidly fell toward Huang Chutian under Huo Yuhao's guidance of Shared Spiritual Detection.

Huang Chutian and the Lan Sisters were taken aback by the destructive power of Wang Dong's Bright Goddess Butterfly, which was beyond their expectations. They also couldn't understand how Wang Dong managed to find Huang Chutian's location accurately after his vision was disrupted by the Net Launch.

Huang Chutian roared, and his first soul ring shone brightly. His fists suddenly doubled in size and shone with an intense metallic luster, meeting the Wing Scythe Blade head-on. Meanwhile, the net spun by the Lan sisters came sweeping in from behind, attempting to entangle him.

"Clang—" When the Wing Scythe Blade struck the pair of iron fists, a sound resembling the clashing of metals rang out. This time, it was Huang Chutian who staggered backward, retreating five or six steps and sustaining cuts oozing with fresh blood on both fists.

Huang Chutian's face changed with shock. His Titan Ape martial soul, known for its bronze skin, iron bones, and immense strength, couldn't withstand Wang Dong's wings. It wasn't that he lacked strength but rather the terrifying sharpness contained in Wang Dong's Wing Scythe Blade. Had he not retreated, his fists might have sustained severe injuries.

Having sent Huang Chutian flying with a single strike, Wang Dong's momentum surged even stronger. Both of his wings flapped simultaneously as he twisted his body, spinning rapidly like a top while swinging his Wing Scythe Blade, shredding the incoming net into pieces, completely unaffected by it.

Under Huo Yuhao's Spirit Share, Xiao Xiao could naturally sense Wang Dong's situation, which was why her Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron ceased movement after its initial intervention.

"Roar—" Huang Chutian bellowed again as he clasped his hands together above his head. His second soul ring finally lit up, and his whole body shone with a thick yellow light. This time, both his arms swelled, the muscles within bulging with terrifying explosive strength. The yellow light traveled all the way to his fists before it stopped.

"Strength's Cannon Hammer," Huang Chutian shouted as he violently smashed his fists in the direction of Wang Dong. A solid yellow sphere of light burst from his fists, shooting straight towards Wang Dong. This sphere actually had a locking effect; despite Wang Dong's three evasive maneuvers, he couldn't avoid it.

Just as he was about to use his Wing Scythe Blade to block it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. Instead of resisting, he turned downward, simultaneously shredding the net and heading straight for Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo.

The Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron appeared silently behind Wang Dong, colliding fiercely with the Strength's Cannon Hammer just before impact. A moment before the collision, a layer of black halo spread from the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron, and erupted in a deafening boom midair.

When the Strength's Cannon Hammer struck the black halo, it was weakened greatly and then hit the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron. While the cauldron was still blasted away by the powerful explosive force, Huang Chutian's attack was ultimately diffused. Moreover, the Lan Sisters were facing the full brunt of Wang Dong's attack.

Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo clearly had underestimated their enemies. Though Huang Chutian and Wang Dong were at a disadvantage in their fight, they had not been defeated, and the sisters had forgotten that their opponents were not alone! By the time Wang Dong shredded their net and lunged at them, it was already somewhat too late for their second soul skill because it required a certain distance to unleash its full power.

The sisters exchanged a glance, determination evident in their eyes. The soul rings on both of their bodies disappeared simultaneously, they released their clasped hands, and incredibly, in the midst of the battle, they opened their arms and embraced each other.

Wang Dong was also stunned for a moment. What were they trying to do?

The next moment, the Lan Sisters gave him the answer. A surge of soul power fluctuations far surpassing their previous ones burst forth instantly. The moment Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo embraced, a deep blue glow radiated from them, cloaking their bodies and making them indiscernible. At the same time, their long hair flew up behind them, all turning into a crystal-clear blue. While each strand was still delicate, when they hovered over Wang Dong again, the sensation was completely different.

The Wing Scythe Blade struck the net head-on but, unlike before, didn't tear through it instantly. Wang Dong felt as though he had crashed into a net full of resilience and toughness, and no matter how he struggled, the net only tightened increasingly. And at the precise moment the net enveloped him, Huo Yuhao's Shared Spiritual Detection unexpectedly vanished.

Had Huo Yuhao stopped his skill's release? Of course, the answer was no. It was because the soul skill Wang Dong was facing was too powerful, such that the massive soul power fluctuations blocked Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection completely. After all, Huo Yuhao was still just a One-ring Soul Master.

In almost a blink of an eye, Wang Dong was bound like a rice dumpling within the net, surrounded by the glistening blue strands. And these overwhelming blue strands did not stop their assault but quickly spread towards Xiao Xiao and Huo Yuhao.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill?" Xiao Xiao exclaimed, her Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron striking with full strength, the cauldron diving into three in midair and simultaneously smashing towards the net.

A Martial Soul Fusion Skill is the combined skill of two Soul Masters with extremely compatible martial souls. The power of a Martial Soul Fusion Skill is far greater than any soul skill of the same level and represents a different level of existence altogether. However, Martial Soul Fusion Skills are something only a handful of Soul Masters can achieve and are truly one in a thousand.

Within Huang Chutian's team, although Huang Chutian was the strongest in individual strength, the real trump card was the Lan Sisters' Martial Soul Fusion Skill!

In all prior assessments, they had held back, even losing a match without using their Martial Soul Fusion Skill. However, today, for the first match of the last five rounds, they could not afford to lose again. Just like Huo Yuhao's team was the seed team of Class One, Huang Chutian and the Lan Sisters were also the seed team of Class Seven, bearing the task of breaking into the top three.

Therefore, after a brief moment of deliberation, Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo embraced each other and activated the Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Heavenly Web.

Let alone a Two-ring Grand Soul Master, even a Three-ring Soul Venerable, if alone, couldn't possibly break free from the Heavenly Web.

The three black cauldrons were instantly engulfed by the Heavenly Web. Xiao Xiao let out a sharp cry, followed by three booms that erupted simultaneously within the Heavenly Web.

At once, the Heavenly Web was shaken into slight disarray, the very same skill that had previously blocked Huang Chutian's ability, also the first soul skill of Xiao Xiao's Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron: Cauldron Shock.

Unlike its earlier single activation, Cauldron Shock was now unleashed in concert by the three cauldrons, maximizing its power.

The mystery of Xiao Xiao's Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron lay in that defense was strongest when the three cauldrons fused together, and attack and soul skill potency were strongest when the cauldrons separated.

However, the Heavenly Web was a Martial Soul Fusion Skill! Although Xiao Xiao's full-strength Cauldron Shock was formidable, it still paled in comparison to the Heavenly Web. Mere moments after causing a brief disarray, the Heavenly Web had once again lunged forward, nearly reaching Xiao Xiao.

It was in that moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly bellowed, "Wang Dong."

The Heavenly Web that had almost reached Xiao Xiao, as if stunned by Huo Yuhao's shout, halted abruptly. Deep within the Heavenly Web, a dense blue-gold light suddenly flared intensely.

Huo Yuhao's Shared Spiritual Detection had been active all along. Although the inside of the Heavenly Web was shielded, Xiao Xiao still felt the enhancement from the Spirit Share. As Huo Yuhao shouted, she suddenly recognized with alarm that the originally wide-ranged Shared Spiritual Detection swiftly converged towards the center, transforming into a narrow probe, stabbing straight into the heart of the Heavenly Web.

Not only that, but Huo Yuhao's soul power fluctuation seemed to be rapidly ascending, and there was a power mixed within the soul power that she could not comprehend. The next instant, Xiao Xiao felt as if something had brushed past the side of her head, leaving her brain feeling dizzy.

Following that, the all-encompassing Heavenly Web inexplicably collapsed, receding like the tide.


Wang Dong fell to the ground, gasping for air in large gulps, clearly having undergone intense exhaustion. The Lan Sisters seemed to fare even worse, both having already collapsed unconscious on the ground.

Huo Yuhao's complexion was also extremely pale, and even the Shared Spiritual Detection could no longer be maintained. Although not gasping for breath like Wang Dong, his chest heaved continuously.

At the edge of the field, Wang Yan's eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief as he watched this scene unfold.

When the Lan Sisters launched their Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Heavenly Web, his eyes were already full of shock. He had originally thought that Huo Yuhao's team was certainly defeated, but he could never have anticipated such a dramatic turn of events. Just as the Heavenly Web was about to claim victory, Huo Yuhao's team managed to instantly turn the tide.

What frustrated Wang Yan the most was that he couldn't see how Huo Yuhao's team had made their move, especially Huo Yuhao. From Huo Yuhao's pale face and his loud shout earlier, it was clear that he must have made a move. And it was very likely that breaking the Heavenly Web was the result of him giving his all. But how exactly did he act, and how did he break the Martial Soul Fusion Skill? Wang Yan couldn't imagine at all.

The battle wasn't over yet, although Huang Chutian was shocked when he saw the Lan Sisters fall to the ground and the Heavenly Web failed to defeat the enemy, he quickly came to his senses. With a low shout, he charged directly at Wang Dong, who was closest to him. In his view, it had to be Wang Dong who had broken the Martial Soul Fusion Skill. Huo Yuhao, with only a 10-year soul ring, would never draw attention under any circumstances.

At that moment, Wang Dong was close to exhaustion. Seeing Huang Chutian lunging at him, he barely flapped his wings to retreat rapidly, while shouting, "Xiao Xiao, it's all up to you now."

"Leave it to me." Xiao Xiao snorted, and the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron, which had split apart after the Heavenly Web was broken, reassembled. Even without Huo Yuhao's Shared Spiritual Detection to assist her, she could clearly see Huang Chutian's huge target. She placed the cauldron horizontally in front of her, blocking Wang Dong and obstructing Huang Chutian's path.

Behind Xiao Xiao, Huo Yuhao sat down cross-legged on the ground, recovering his Spiritual Power through meditation. The consumption from that previous move was indeed considerable. Fortunately, he was no longer the newbie at level 11 or 12, and his Purple Demon Eyes had undergone a qualitative leap, so his spiritual power wasn't completely exhausted. However, the instantaneous output of that move made his brain dizzy, and he could no longer maintain both Spiritual Detection and Spirit Share at the same time. He had to recover a bit first.

Could Huo Yuhao, with his capabilities, break the Martial Soul Fusion Skill? Of course not, he was merely a One-ring Soul Master. Although the million-year Skydream Ice Silkworm soul ring was powerful, he was still far from being able to utilize the true might of the million-year Skydream Iceworm Soul Ring.

The reason he could break the Heavenly Web was the result of multiple factors coming together. Huo Yuhao did play a crucial role in it.

He yelled Wang Dong's name, and Wang Dong immediately understood. As the Heavenly Web was tightening, he activated his second soul skill. Naturally, his second soul skill was not strong enough to break the Martial Soul Fusion Skill. But don't forget, Wang Dong's second soul skill was from a thousand-year soul ring, and its power was equally formidable. Although it couldn't break the Heavenly Web, it made the twin girls' soul power consumption surge rapidly.

Next came Huo Yuhao's attack. His Spiritual Detection was blocked by the Heavenly Web, so he focused his Spiritual Detection in one direction momentarily. A strong spiritual fluctuation broke through the encirclement, reestablishing the detection, although this time it was unidirectional.

When he located the Lan Sisters, the Soul Shock was fully unleashed with the enhancement of the Purple Demon Eyes, and that was the full power blow Huo Yuhao launched when Xiao Xiao felt a momentary dizziness in her mind.

It was proven that Huo Yuhao's all-out effort was successful. The Lan Sisters' Martial Soul Fusion Skill was powerful enough, but it also had its flaws, the biggest of which was that their current level of cultivation made activating the Martial Soul Fusion Skill quite a struggle, and they couldn't maintain it for long. Under Wang Dong's total consumption and Huo Yuhao's sudden Soul Shock, the strong spiritual fluctuation immediately shattered their skills, and the powerful backlash from the Martial Soul Fusion Skill plunged them into unconsciousness.

However, the fact that the Lan Sisters could nearly cripple the combat abilities of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong with their combined strength showed the power of the Martial Soul Fusion Skill. Huo Yuhao might look weak, but that was a million-year soul ring!

Huang Chutian's fists swung out simultaneously, fiercely striking the Three Lives Soul Calming Cauldron with his first soul skill, the King Kong Fist.

"Boom—" The black halo collided with the metal fists, and the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron was shaken aside by three meters, but Huang Chutian also stood still, his body trembling violently.

Xiao Xiao's Cauldron Shock had a strong dizzying effect. Not only could it cause shock damage to the enemy, but it could also stun all enemies within a meter radius of the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron.

Huang Chutian's dizziness was brief, and Xiao Xiao sneered coldly, waving her hands rapidly, as the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron instantly split into three, encircling Huang Chutian in the center.

Dizziness is only momentary. Huang Chutian quickly regained consciousness, and this time he did not strike immediately, but paused slightly to observe the situation before him.

His own Lan sisters were already unconscious, completely devoid of combat power, while the other team's Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao also seemed to have lost their combat capabilities, but at least they were still conscious and could rejoin the fight at any time. Only by fighting quickly could he possibly secure a victory in the assessment.

With this thought, Huang Chutian let out a roar, stomped his feet fiercely, his body shot up rapidly, and at the same time he clasped his fists above his head, the light from his second soul ring shone brightly as the Strength's Cannon Hammer was launched once again.

Xiao Xiao brought her hands inward, and the three cauldrons transformed from the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron rose simultaneously, colliding inward. The power of the Strength's Cannon Hammer was extraordinary; she absolutely could not let the opponent release his attack.

But Huang Chutian cunningly smiled. His rising body suddenly flipped in the air, and just before the triple cauldrons combined, he switched to a head-down, feet-up stance, flinging his clasped fists with all his might. Instantly, a burst of yellow light shot out, heading straight for Xiao Xiao.

Attack where the enemy must save. Huang Chutian did not believe Xiao Xiao would be willing to suffer mutual destruction with him. As long as she redirected the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron to defend, he could close in, and the opportunity to win would arise.

Indeed, Huang Chutian's calculation was astute. To resist his Strength's Cannon Hammer, Xiao Xiao would need the three cauldrons to unite. Doing so would give Huang Chutian enough time to close in. Whether he targeted any one of the three of them, they would have a hard time resisting.

However, just at the moment Huang Chutian made his move, suddenly, he felt as if his eyes dazzled for a moment. The Strength's Cannon Hammer did go off, but it went askew...

The yellow ball of light flew off diagonally, accompanied by a thunderous boom, blasting the partition used for area separation in the assessment area to smithereens. The students in an adjacent area undergoing assessment couldn't help but stare in shock toward their side.

By this time, the outcome between Huo Yuhao's team and Huang Chutian's team had been decided.

Xiao Xiao had united the Triple Cauldrons and was preparing to defend, but just a few meters after the merged cauldron flew back, it swung around again, striking Huang Chutian forcefully. The second soul ring on Xiao Xiao's body flickered, and Huang Chutian, enveloped in a layer of black light, was directly knocked out of the arena. It was Wang Yan who stretched out his hand to catch him, preventing him from flying a longer distance.

The black light continued to linger, lasting for more than three seconds, before Huang Chutian regained his ability to move again.

This was Xiao Xiao's second soul skill from her Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron Martial Soul: Cauldron Swing.

Cauldron Swing targeted a single enemy, not only dealing collision damage but also causing dizziness while flinging the enemy, which can also be considered a control skill. With these two skills, her claim to be a control-class Battle Soul Master is truly justified.

Xiao Xiao could not have guessed that the opponent's attack would go astray; she switched from defense to offense because she had regained the support of Huo Yuhao.

What she didn't know was that Huo Yuhao had released three skills at that moment, and these three soul skills finally drained all his Soul Power.

Among these three skills, the first to be used by Huo Yuhao in combat was spiritual disturbance, a full-coverage, area-effect skill.

Compared to Soul Shock, spiritual disturbance seemed much weaker, but don't forget that it is an area-effect skill. Moreover, its effect is very subtle, often impacting the opponent without their awareness. Otherwise, how could Huang Chutian's clearly targeted Strength's Cannon Hammer go awry?

Wang Yan said, "The Huo Yuhao Team wins." As he spoke, he lifted the somewhat confused Huang Chutian and walked with him to the Lan Sisters, using his Soul Power to help them regain consciousness.

When the Lan Sisters came to, they felt excruciating headaches, as if thousands of needles were pricking their brains.

The power of Huo Yuhao's Soul Shock was increasing, and even Ma Xiaotao with her six rings was slightly affected, let alone them. Add to that the backlash from their Martial Soul Fusion Skill. In this battle, Huang Chutian's team had taken quite a beating. At least Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo would definitely not recover their combat strength today. And later, they would still have to face four more matches!

The situation for Huo Yuhao and his team was somewhat better than their opponents; at least they had secured another victory, and the only cost for Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao was their Soul Power, not injuries. They could rest for the next two matches. But in the upcoming assessments, Xiao Xiao would have to become the main force without question.

Wang Dong supported the weak Huo Yuhao to the side of the arena, and Xiao Xiao followed, asking with some confusion, "Class President, why did his attack go astray just now?"

Huo Yuhao gave a wry smile, "Let's not talk about that now. Quickly meditate and restore your Soul Power. We've expended so much in the first match, and there are four more to go. We can only pray that others have the same level of consumption."

After speaking, he immediately sat cross-legged and began meditating.

It wasn't just Xiao Xiao who was puzzled; Wang Dong also had doubts in his heart. Unlike Xiao Xiao, he wondered why the Lan Sisters' Martial Soul Fusion Skill had been so easily neutralized. If their Martial Soul Fusion Skill could only last for such a brief time, was there any need to use it? The clear answer was no. Yet they had used it, and it had quickly collapsed under the release of his thousand-year soul skill, even causing them both to faint. What was going on? Considering Huo Yuhao's shout, he felt there were inconsistencies but couldn't pinpoint what exactly was wrong.

With six teams participating in the assessment, the second match immediately began after Huo Yuhao's team finished their contest.

The freshman assessment had entered the latter half after the reassignment and was now at the most critical scoring phase. With each additional victory, the chance of staying increased. Therefore, every team was now giving it their all.

The collision between the Huo Yuhao Team and Huang Chutian's Team left the other four teams extremely shocked. They all acknowledged they lacked such strength and naturally wanted to score as many points as possible against the other teams. Since the first match was almost a case of mutual destruction, it made the assessments of this group even more complicated.

Soon, all three matches of the first round ended. Just as Huo Yuhao had hoped, the other four teams had also consumed a considerable amount of energy. After all, it wasn't just today's consumption—they also had the continuous four matches from yesterday, which weren't small either! They hadn't even fully recovered to their optimal states yet.

As the seed team, when the second round of the competition began, it was Huo Yuhao's team that went first again. This time, their opponents had changed to three students from the freshman class four.

After both sides checked in and took their positions, there was a noticeable change in the arrangement on Huo Yuhao's side; Xiao Xiao was standing at the front, followed by Huo Yuhao, and Wang Dong, a direct-attack class Battle Soul Master, was in the very back. Moreover, before Wang Yan could even call the start of the match, Wang Dong had already sat down on the ground, astonishingly beginning to meditate right there on the battlefield.

This was the task that Huo Yuhao had given him, to ensure he recovered as much of the previously depleted soul power as possible by any means necessary. Only with Wang Dong's cultivation restored to its best condition could they achieve a complete victory in the round-robin matches.

"Xiao Xiao, give it your all," Huo Yuhao whispered.

"Don't worry, class leader. We can definitely do this."

Accompanied by Wang Yan's shout of "Assessment begin," both sides released their Martial Souls. From their prior observations of the battles, Huo Yuhao's team knew that their opponents consisted of three agile-attack class Soul Masters, focusing on speed.

The moment Wang Yan shouted the beginning, the three agile-attack class Soul Masters from the opposing team had already rushed out while unleashing their Martial Souls, splitting into three routes and charging at Xiao Xiao simultaneously.

They all saw Wang Dong sitting on the ground meditating, and it appeared as if the most powerful direct-attack class Battle Soul Master had lost his combat effectiveness. How could they pass up such an opportunity? Despite their own considerable consumption earlier, they went all out immediately from the start.

Wang Yan stood on the side of the field, his gaze tightly fixed on Huo Yuhao without losing focus for even a moment. He believed that without Wang Dong's help, Xiao Xiao alone could not possibly defeat three opponents. Those were three agile-attack class Soul Masters! He had to find a way to see how Huo Yuhao acted and how the soul skills were released.

Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up, and although the pale gold light was not conspicuous, Wang Yan saw it clearly. However, for Soul Masters, it was quite normal for their eyes to change color when releasing their Martial Souls. Wang Yan also saw the seemingly fragile white soul ring appear at Huo Yuhao's feet again, but he still could not discern what Huo Yuhao's Martial Soul was.

At that moment, the three agile-attack class Soul Masters took action. Each came from a different direction, and their speeds varied slightly, revealing gaps between them. Two aimed for Xiao Xiao at the front, while one circled to the side, trying to attack Huo Yuhao from behind. Their coordination was incredibly in sync.

Xiao Xiao's gaze remained fixed on the front as if completely ignoring them. Her hands lifted above her head, making a gesture as if holding up the heavens. The Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldron instantly flew out, splitting into three in mid-air and meeting the three opponents from three different directions.

A shocking scene unfolded; without using her eyes to watch, Xiao Xiao's tri-partite Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldrons each blocked the inevitable paths of the three agile-attack class Soul Masters. All three were one-ring Soul Masters at the peak level, with soul power around level 19. Because they launched their attacks with full power, they were extremely fast and didn't have time to change their tactics. They could only clash head-on with the three colossal cauldrons.

They didn't possess the strength of Huang Chutian, who had the Titan Ape Martial Soul, from before. Crashing into the Three Lives Soul Suppression Cauldrons, they were immediately thrown into disarray. But what was even more astonishing was yet to come.