Chapter 73: The Third Martial Soul? Undead Magic?

"Yuhao." Wang Dong had finally caught on, but Huo Yuhao had completely disappeared. Recalling those corpses exploding earlier, Wang Dong's mind went blank.

The sudden change happened so quickly that everyone was caught off guard.

Elder Xuan suddenly waved his sleeve, sweeping away the approaching crowd, "Wang Yan, quickly save them. I'll go save Huo Yuhao." As he spoke, Elder Xuan released his Martial Soul for the first time in front of his disciples.

His back arched sharply, and the oil-stained, tattered clothes burst apart in an instant, as his back muscles swelled at an alarming rate. In the blink of an eye, his size had at least doubled. Most astonishingly, a pair of spiral horns grew out from each side of his head. The moment he released his Martial Soul, the air inside the cave seemed to almost solidify.