Chapter 128: The Light of Sea God's Pavilion

Imperial Sun Moon Soul Master Academy. Bright Virtue Hall.

This was a spacious hall, and the entire hall's decoration was entirely metallic, dominated by a pale golden hue. It wasn't luxurious, but it was full of texture. A plaque hung high at the entrance of the hall, the dark golden lettering exuding an intimidating presence—Bright Virtue Hall.

"Stand up," said a person seated in the center of the hall's inner side. He appeared to be only in his forties, not very tall, but quite broad. To describe him in the simplest terms, he was short and fat.

A short and stout figure undoubtedly seemed unsuited for long hair, but he had long hair nonetheless, with brownish-red strands scattered behind his head, making his short and thick neck even harder to make out.

Before him, an individual was prostrate on the ground, but now stood up as if pardoned.