Chapter 164: Silver Moon Wolf King

Huo Yuhao channeled his Soul Power into the All-Terrain Detection Soul Tool. Its six long legs started to move, making their way forward along the mountain's branched ridges. After passing through a narrow downhill path, they finally entered the main vein of the Jinyang Mountain Range.

When Huo Yuhao had first arrived, he observed the terrain of the Jinyang Mountain Range from above. The main vein of the mountain range was oval-shaped. Even though it was his first time here, he could infer the general distribution of soul beasts in the area from his experience in the Xingdou Forest.

Those living on the outskirts of the mountains were certainly weaker soul beasts, and the further inside, the stronger the soul beasts naturally became. As long as they didn't venture too deep, they shouldn't encounter too much danger. After all, the scent of Silver Wolf Blood could only spread so far; it certainly wouldn't reach the core of this mountain range.