Chapter 168 Return, Arrested

Huo Yuhao indeed turned into a chef just as he said, with Keke responsible for hunting and Ju zi taking care of them. Other than cooking, Huo Yuhao spent all his time cultivating and recuperating.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

Huo Yuhao's originally fatal injuries had miraculously recovered in just six days, and his cultivation had significantly advanced. The increase in Soul Power wasn't too substantial, but his overall strength and the capabilities of his soul skill had certainly made considerable progress. Even his Spiritual Power had climbed.

Early morning.

The fresh air, moist with morning dew, made breathing delightfully refreshing. Huo Yuhao slowly exhaled a long breath of air, surrounded by a white mist that circled around his body for a moment before being inhaled back through his nostrils. He felt completely at ease.