My Friends By The Hills, How Are You Doing Today?

"Zhng…" A single string was strummed as the sound vibrated in the air.

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, a loud roar could be heard from within the Lightning Pools. Two of them started vibrating violently as bolts of electric energy coalesced around the pools.

The attention of the crowd shifted once more as they broke out in animated discussion.

"Quickly take a look. Tiger King has succeeded!"

"Indeed. He managed to activate two Lightning Pools!"

"Haha! That silly monkey took an entire day to tell his story in attempt to slander the Tiger King but it was futile."

"The new King of Demons would clearly go to Tiger King now!"

"Once the Tiger King succeeds, this damned monkey would die a horrible death!"

The Sky Demon Tribe elders nodded their head gently as they bore forced smiles on their faces.

"Our friend Sun has failed this time. He failed to stop the Tiger King."