More People Were Killed

At that moment, the Ice Troops in the near distance realized that there was something wrong with Xu Que.

"What is wrong with him?"

"It seems that he has been trapped or something!"

"Yes, he has been trapped by the light emitting from that sword! It feels like the light has got some mysterious power."

"I see, a sword of eight-star level is indeed powerful."

"He is too full of himself and thought that he could control that sword… now he is going to be devoured by it."

"Hurry! This is a good opportunity for us to kill him!"

The leader of the Ice Troops waved his hands and ordered the troops to attack Xu Que.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of soldiers assembled themselves into smaller groups and began to rush at Xu Que from all directions.


Situ Hai Tang and many of the soldiers from Snow City were shocked. Since seeing that Xu Que had been trapped, they knew they had to help him as he had helped them before.