You Are Angry? Well, That's What I Want!

Xu Que's voice was so loud that his voice echoed through the whole Imperial City.

All the patrolling maids and eunuchs were very surprised, as were the three thousand soldiers of the Snow City.

"Is this the voice of General Zhuge?" someone asked while looking at the sky.

"Are we going to loot things again?" a soldier asked excitedly.

"This time is the third Duke's house?"

The soldiers of Snow City all got excited.

"Now, everyone follow me. We are going to meet with General Zhuge and loot the third Duke's residence!"

"Yes!" the soldiers replied.

Seeing the marching soldiers, the guards, the maids and the eunuchs were all frightened and hid away.

"Did the third Duke do something to make them angry?"

"Something serious is going to happen!"

"The third Duke is doomed!"