Stance of a Powerhouse!

"Forget it, stop throwing her! I have more important things to do. I'm not wasting my time playing throwing wives with you!" Xu Que called a stop to this when he finally had his fill of fun. The Acting Tough Points had also stopped rising.

Cang Feng and his many followers from the Grey Ebb Faction secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Smiles returned to their faces on hearing Xu Que's words. It was all right to lose their resources. Give or take a few more years and they could always kill, rob, and earn back what they had lost today. The most pressing issue now was to stay alive. Once the Grey Ebb Faction expanded in the future, who knows, they might even be strong enough to go up against the Exploding Heavens Faction! They could then wash away the shame they experienced today!

However, the next moment, the sentence that popped out of Xu Que's mouth froze them to the ground.