So What! We Must See It!

With that, the three young men from the Divine Son Division left in a rage. Xu Que waited for their aura to disappear entirely from the Soul Strength detection before he sat next to Jiang Hongyan again, his hands dying to touch her.

Jiang Hongyan shot him an exasperated look and whispered, "Frankly speaking, you could have taken up their offer to join the Divine Son Division."

"Huh? Is there anything special about this Divine Son Division?" Xu Que asked doubtfully.

After all, while those three men did seem quite powerful, they were not strong enough to make Xu Que think highly of them. Once he unleashed the King of Tough-Acting Fist, those three would surely perish! Why join this so-called Divine Son Division if that was the best they could offer? It could not even compare to his Exploding Heavens Faction!