Bad News!

As Xu Que expected, Lan Xinyue and the others had been captured. Even the owner and the waiter from the hostel had been killed. 

When he had stepped into the hostel, he had felt a gust of cold wind blowing in his face. Two giant ice sculptures were standing in the lobby, containing the bodies of the owner and the waiter from the hostel, who were long dead. On one of the ice sculptures, he saw a long line of characters which read—they are in the western suburbs!

A torn piece of animal hide, where a map to indicate a position in the western suburbs was drawn, was fixed on the other ice sculpture.

Xu Que was quite happy to see all that for he had figured out that it was such an obvious trap. Tsk-tsk-tsk, it is quite obvious that something is wrong with this place. They are trying to lure me to the western suburbs so that I can be trapped there! Xu Que couldn't help but sneer.