I’ll Depend on All of You to Make Us Renowned

For the second day, the entire Zhen Yuan Celestial Realm was stirred up! Xu Que's upheaval of the Equipment Refining Sect's branch and the destruction of the entire branch had alarmed everyone. Nobody expected that revenge from the Exploding Heavens Faction would come so quickly and vehemently!

Just a day before, they had made a mess in the Dingtian Academy, even robbing their plaque. Then they went to the Equipment Refining Sect's branch on the very next day.

The most horrifying thing was that the Exploding Heavens Faction had sent only one genius from the Initial Stage of the Human Celestial Stage. He single-handedly went to the Equipment Refining Sect's branch. With the power from one finger, the whole of the Equipment Refining Sect's branch exploded, causing numerous deaths and injuries.