Arguments In Weibo

Now the fingerprints were lost, there was nothing else that could be used to point Chen to all these crimes. Also, even if Luo was almighty and powerful, there was no way for her to continue with this investigation.

Luo was extremely angry at Li He. She scolded Li He in front of everyone. The lead would never go back to her even if she scolded Le He for a long time. In the end, Luo went back with Chen dejectedly.

Luo always acted like an Ice Demon Queen in front of others. But, she was a changed person when talking to Chen's parents. She became gentle and polite. She did not bring her gloomy mood with her when she came home. She even volunteered to help Chen's mom to clean the vegetables. This made Chen's mom extremely pleased with her.

Chen was in a good mood as well. He moved a chair to the front lawn and played with his cellphone.

"My luck has saved me from an unavoidable bad situation. I bet that my charm works like a charm as well!"