A Lustful Kitty That Is Beyond Salvation!

He gave some time for the skinny guy to calm himself down and shake the pain off. He wanted to make sure that he would not scream out loud. Finally, Chen lifted the two remaining needles from his throat.

"Huuuu… Huuuu…"

The skinny guy was lying on the floor like a dead hunk of meat and taking in some heavy breaths. All of a sudden, he found out that the world was a wonderful place after the pain disappeared. Looking at Chen's ice cold face, the skinny guy did not dare to take up too much of Chen's time.

He said fearfully, "Boss Xiao and Boss Liu are the ones who sent us here to set the house on fire…"

"Which Boss Xiao? Which Boss Liu?" Chen asked coldly.

"Xiao Zhe! The owner of the South Lake Beast Fight Colosseum! And, Liu Mang! The leader of the Black Tiger Gang of South City! They are the ones who want to kill your whole family…" The skinny shivered and answered Chen immediately.