Do I Look An Idiot To You?

"Dream on!"

Xiaoyao pouted and said, "You animal! Always thinking about how to take advantage of me! I will never fall into your trap!"

"Well, it’s entirely up to you now. I have presented the golden opportunity in front of you!" Chen shrugged and got ready to walk away.

Xiaoyao got really nervous when Chen was about to leave.

She shouted, "Hold on! How would I know that you are not lying to me?"

"It’s actually really simple!"

Chen grinned and said, "There will be a chance that I will give you what I promised just now, after you call me your good, good brother! But, you are basically throwing away the chance into the drain if you choose not to do what I am asking you to do! So, it’s all up to you! No pressure, here."


Xiayoyao got really angry of the position he had put her in. In the end, she realized that anger would not get her anything. She decided to do what Chen had asked her to do because Chen is the boss now.