Master, Please Show Me The Way!

"Mr. Chen, I'm really glad that you're willing to risk yourself fighting the cult and protecting the three cities. There's no reason for me to stop you from training in the holy land, but there are only forty plus hours until the Martial Art Competition. That means you have around thirty hours left – minus travel time. How much could you improve even if you don't sleep?"

Yanhong nodded in agreement. "It's pointless to train with so little time left. I don't think you could turn the tide, and I'll be frank – your fight against the blood descendant viscount is virtually suicide!" He added earnestly.

Both monks did not believe that Chan Xiaobei could take on Ai Linlong and were insisting that he should not risk his life.

Still, they had no idea how the young man trained.

"Time is indeed short, but I believe that I can solve the Labyrinth of Wooden Dummies in two days." Chen Xiaobei said calmly, his tranquil voice reflecting resolute confidence.