A Gale Rose


Yap Tianlin almost spat blood out.

As Chen Xiaobei declared in the beginning, Yap Yianlin would beg for him to do the work.

However, Yap Tianlin swore that it was impossible and even scolded Chen Xiaobei for being retarded.

This became really awkward; if Yap Tianlin begged Chen Xiaobei, it would be like a slap to his face.

"Tianlin, don't listen to his nonsense!"

This time, Situ Hengfeng said with arrogance, "The way of the wind is my family's specialty! Even if you take a look at all the other hidden ancient factions, there are not many who can beat me! How can this kid who's still young and inexperienced, have a better plan than me?"

The experts immediately said in unison, "Yes! That kid is purely bullshitting! Not needing to spend any money but also with immediate results? That's just wishful thinking!"

"If that's the case, my company is not needed then." Chen Xiaobei shrugged as he said.

"Hold on!"