Sudden Inspection

"Tell us what you have in mind?!" asked Bai Linsu and Linghu Shuang in a hasty manner.

"The safest and fastest way to travel to Green Hill Planet is from the Violet Reborn Planet's portal!"

"What a load of bullshit! Of course we know that! Me and my Sifu's 'wanted' posters are all over the streets! How are we supposed to show our faces in public? We will be surrounded by our enemies the moment we do that!" said Linghu Shuang.

"It's true that the two of you are the most wanted people on this planet! But as for me, I'm nowhere near wanted! Everything will be solved when I go through the portal!"

"Brother! Can you please pay more attention to this matter? My Sifu and I are the ones who want to travel to Green Hill Planet! Not you!"

"Idiots! Have you forgotten that I have this item with me?"

Chen Xiaobei smiled and took out the Verdant Emperor's Divine Gourd.

"Oh! I understand now! You are going to put me and my Sifu into this gourd!"