Peak Defence

"Blaaargh…" Blood came sputtering out of Wugui Kojiro's mouth. His knees caved in and he crumpled to the ground.

The Dantian was the core, the most important position in every cultivator's body.

With their Dantian damaged, not only would the cultivator be prevented from using his Ethereal Force, but their blood circulation and breathing cycles would be greatly affected too. 

"Brrrrr… So cold… What happened…" Wugui Korijo sat on the floor with an ashen face and purple lips. There was a piercing yin cold stabbing at his Dantian. His veins and muscles were beginning to freeze.

"Who was that… Only 210,000 combat power… That's not Ximen Hanfeng… Why did he attack me… And what's with this cold… Someone help me…"

Wugui Kojiro's body was trembling from the cold.

As the cold began to spread, his breathing and blood flow grew weaker. He did not even have the strength to shout out for help.