Jiang Liushi’s Expectations

Returning was smoother, but when they reached the villa, it was already sundown and nearly dark; they felt lucky enough.

The other survivors in the villa were nervously waiting at the door. Jiang Zhuying and her team only made up a small portion of the whole, but they were the main fighting force. If they suffered misfortune, the people left would not know what to do. When they saw the motorcade back, the survivors were relieved.

But why Jiang Liushi's leading the formation. It was the solid and crashworthy freezer car that was always in the lead, what changed?

However, when the motorcade stopped at the door, people saw it and were immediately shocked. It was terribly damaged... No wonder it couldn't be the leading car.

Jiang Zhuying and others got off, and some survivors immediately gathered around.