Spiritual Special Ability

Hearing Ran Xiyu’s words, Jiang Liushi was sure that her fever had to be related to her special ability. Ran Xiyu’s ability had been suppressed due her imprisonment and malnutrition, due to eating mutant meat, she obtained enough energy to break through.

"Give us the details, please!" Jiang Liushi looked at Ran Xiyu with eyes full of curiosity; having one more paranormal in their team would boost their overall power.

"It seems…" Ran Xiyu confusedly looked around and Jiang Liushi immediately noticed that her eyes had transformed. When they met Ran Xiyu, her eyes were already special as they were grey, giving an indescribable sense of indifference to others. That’s why Bai Zhanshan was really infatuated with her and wanted to buy her regardless the price.

When Ran Xiyu activated her ability, her eyes turned into a beautiful sky filled with gray stars, it was like the manifestation of her shining spirit.