Using ‘Borrow’ As a Pretext?

Originally, Jiang Liushi wanted to know what the new function was, and why that function was launched at that moment. But Zhang Jing had arrived, so Jiang Liushi had to talk with him first.

Jiang Liushi noticed that although Zhang Jing still had a severe expression, he was kinder toward him. When Zhang Jing walked in front of his MCV, he said, "Captain Jiang, you worked hard." And then Zhang Jing gave a military salute out of respect.

Seeing his respectful salute, Jiang Liushi’s eyes lit, and then he got off along with Jiang Zhuying.

"Shi Ying Squad’s contribution to this mission is invaluable, so I will write a report describing everything and send it to my leader after we return. I’ll request form higher-ups to record your meritorious deeds." Zhang Jing said.

"Thank you." Jiang Liushi nodded; he was very kind.