
Wu Shui County's storage warehouse was a former auto repair factory. Into the storage warehouse, deep and deserted space was filled with various kinds of debris such as food, medicine, and metal equipment.

"Captain Jiang, the things here are not divided into categories. You need to search carefully." Xiang Xuehai stood in front of these supplies and turned back with an apologetic smile.

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Liushi nodded. In the search for supplies, Jiang Liushi seemed to have a unique talent. He quickly found piles of metal materials and stacked them together. Many metal materials had accumulated dirt, so his body and hands became dark quickly.

At that moment, he suddenly smelled an elegant fragrance. "I'll help you." Before Jiang Liushi could even react, Xiang Xuehai had joined him.

In the empty warehouse, two people were busy. After a while, Jiang Liushi and Xiang Xuehai finally found all the necessary metal materials and piled up a small hill.