Times Have Changed

General Zhang had commanded his soldiers to arrange accommodation for Jiang Liushi and his team. On the way, a soldier found Jiang Liushi and Ran Xiyu and then led them to a community. The community could be regarded as a middle-grade one with a relatively good environment. The four-room residence allocated to them was well-decorated, and the furniture inside was clean. The only downside was that needed to use briquettes to cook and generate heat.

"Wow! It's so cool! I never expected to see briquettes again," said Zhang Hai excitedly.

In fact, there was a coal mine in Jiangning, and thus, they could extract briquettes again after doomsday.

After lunch, Ran Xiyu got herself busy, packing a box of supplies and a bag of rice. When she finished, Jiang Liushi accompanied back where they had met Jiang Xiaochu. Unfortunately, she was not there as Jiang Xiaochu had finished working for the day.

"We work in shifts round the clock," explained the man in charge.