The Changes of Jiang Liushi (I)

Jiang Liushi touched his nose in embarrassment when he saw Ran Xiyu stepping back. 'Am I that terrible?'

Truth be told, he was his usual self now. Although the fire of lust had yet to be extinguished, Jiang Liushi did not dare to do anything anymore.

"I'm really sorry for what happened earlier…I was muddleheaded," explained Jiang Liushi with a pale face.

Ran Xiyu bit her lips, and then she asked, "You were muddle-headed? You did all those wicked things while unconscious!?"

"Eh..."Jiang Liushi didn't know how to answer. He realized that the more he tried to explain, the more complicated the situation would become. Meanwhile, Jiang Liushi felt like a sinner, as well as one of those young men everyone had heard about that did not admit to their mistakes or take responsibility for their actions.

"No. I mean that I woke up, but I could not distinguish between dream and reality…I'm truly sorry," said Jiang Liushi.