Head-on Confrontation

Jiang Liushi bolted like a fierce tiger at the level-3 female zombie under Shen Kui's control. For the first time, other than crazy indifference, a mocking smile appeared on the zombie's face.


Jiang Liushi and the female zombie clashed with each other head-on. Both parties' speed was breathtaking. For a short period, the spectators could only hear some loud sounds and see two blurry figures clashing with each other madly.

'Too fast, and too fierce!' Tomiko had forgotten to leave a long time now. She stood still and stared at the blurry shadows in shock. Had she not witnessed the battle, she would find it impossible to believe it. How could a person be so powerful to the point he stood on equal grounds against a level-3 zombie?


The female zombie smashed to scraps a car parked in the manor's courtyard before it jumped and pounced again at Jiang Liushi.