Regaining Consciousness

In a dark space, resembling eternal emptiness, Jiang Liushi was slowly struggling to shake off his drowsiness and wake up. It felt like he was waking up from a long nightmare.

'Where is this? Am I still alive?' wondered Jiang Liushi.

Jiang Liushi could feel nothing else other than a splitting headache, even his limbs seemed unresponsive. At that moment, he felt as his body was gone. What he could see in front of him was an unlimited expanse of darkness. 

"Zhuying! Xiyu! Yuxin!" Jiang Liushi tried his best to shout their names, but he failed—no sound could come out of his throat!

'Where is this?' Jiang Liushi felt confused and nervous.

Suddenly, Jiang Liushi saw a faint light burst out, lightening the endless dark space. After a closer look, he discovered that the light was coming from his body!
