
Having his mouth filled with a strong scent of wine, Wu Qi let out a loud laugh while waving his hand, bidding farewell to Haoying Fengying.

The feast had taken a whole four hours away from his time. Yet, for the sake of ten jugs of wine which had been seasoned for over one hundred years, it worthed every single moment of this four hours to give them a really good taste. They were ten jugs of 'Wine of Myriad Florals, Fruits and Honeys', which were brewed by Haoying Clan using a secret formula. Not only were they sweet and fragrant, but they also had the effect of strengthening the soul, bones, and tendons for cultivators. Traditionally, it was used as a Spirit Medicine which was offered seasonally to Yan Dan and various members of Imperial Clan, who held a high power in their hands.