The Dispute of Immortal Sects

Halfway up the White Cloud Peak, at a place barely several yards above the ocean of clouds was a platform stretching out of a cliff wall. On this platform stood a few old trees, bushes of wisteria plant, and a stone table as well as a few stone chairs. Even intriguingly, there were two streams of spring water flowing out of the cliff wall, coursing around the edge of the platform and pouring down from an opening near the center.

The ocean of clouds rolled and rocked, while the strong wind blew ceaselessly. The rushing water pouring down from the platform was quickly dispersed into a thin layer of water mist. When the bright sunlight came shining on the water mist, a few fuzzy rainbows stretched out right above the ocean of clouds. A few white cranes were seen wheeling around the rainbows, occasionally issuing loud whoops that resounded to the skies.