Ganoderma Immortal, Ganoderma Horse

"For the benevolence of the Buddha!" Wu Qi put his palms together as he bowed to the monk who sat cross-legged outside the east entrance of An He City. After that, he threw two pork heads, three pork livers, and four pork knuckles into the water tank placed next to the monk.

The monk opened his eyes, his lips twitching unnaturally as he nodded at Wu Qi and said, "Benefactor... for the benevolence of the Buddha! Sādhu! Sādhu!"

While the monk was mentally troubled by the pork heads and other things which Wu Qi threw into the water tank, Wu Qi suddenly cupped up an old prostitute standing right next to him, who was in her fifties and gorgeously dressed, throwing her right into the water tank as well. The monk trembled with his mouth wide-opened, staring blankly at Wu Qi as he was rendered speechless.