The Sovereign of Myriad Immortal Alliance

Seventeen black flagpoles stood on the ground, each measuring one hundred and twenty feet tall, and emitting a thick, black gas. At the top of the flagpoles were flags embroidered with images of poisonous insects, which remained motionless amidst the black gas. Faintly, a dim gleam of light was radiating from the surface of these flags.

Standing beneath these flagpoles, Wu Qi and the others looked up at a hazy screen that was created with the dim gleam radiating from the flags.

Meanwhile, outside the valley where the dragon python sisters lived, several strange-looking black insects were crawling about. They resembled centipedes except that they had a natural eye-like pattern on their half-centimeter-long body, and they crawled so fast that even average Heaven Immortals could not compare with them.