A Modest Display Of Power

Wu Qi was walking in a long, dark passageway within Yu Gu's Supreme Tower while his ears rang with the sharp hisses of countless poisonous insects and animals. As he strode on, he crossed paths with groups of Oracles, maidservants, and guards, who stopped in place, bowing respectfully and silently as he passed. No one dared to raise their eyes above his waist.

Great Yu was a rigidly stratified dynasty. It was old, conservative, dull, and boring like granite; of all things in it, the Directorate of Celestials was known to be the oldest, most conservative, and the hardest part of this piece of granite. As Wu Qi walked down the passageway, some of the guards and Oracles at the sentries not only held their breath, but also used mystic arts to stop their hearts from beating for fear that they would make a noise that would disturb Wu Qi, the man who was King Yang Qiu's current favorite confidant.