The Throne of the Human Emperor

The Prime Minister? The King of Han? Liu Bang?

With hands clasped behind his back, Zhang Tengyun frowned at the smiling Liu Bang. There was a strangeness to today's Liu Bang, as if a mask on his face was torn off, showing a very strange face. He still looked the same, but his aura had become very bizarre.

Lu Buwei stood behind Liu Bang while smiling and as he glanced wildly at the naked girls sprawling on the cushions. From time to time, he clicked his tongue in admiration and had a lecherous look on his face, as if he could not wait to show these girls some love.

"Prime Minister? King of Han?" Zhang Tengyun twitched his lips. "Since when did my Ling Dynasty have a Prime Minister? And since when have I conferred someone the King of Han?"

Smiling happily, Liu Bang spread his arms and said, "You didn't, but now you have."