Heading to the Courtyard

"Why are you back so early? It is only noon!" Chu Ting’er looked at her son with doubt. Ling Tian usually went out for a full day; now that Ling Tian is home early, Chu Ting’er found it surprising. Don’t tell me he was chased home by the ladies? But it doesn’t seem that case; if he were to be chased out, he would probably go elsewhere to play right?

Chu Ting’er was certain she understood her son very well. She then thought, "Don’t tell me he already has someone he likes? He is home so early to report it to me?" Thinking about this, she could not help but ask with an excited expression, "How did things go today?"

Ling Tian then laughed bitterly, "This child went today and had a good chat with the ladies. But this child was afraid that mother would be worried and came home early."