Coincidental Meeting

"Ah ah, that lass, Xuan… Err, nothing much. She is extremely ugly, extremely mischievous, extremely playful, extremely cute, extremely despicable, extremely beautiful, extremely alluring, extremely flirty, extremely gentle, extremely pleasant and also extremely unreasonable. Such a headache." Just when Madam Wei wanted to brag about her own daughter, she suddenly understood what Chu Ting’er meant and began to stutter. At the same time, she thought to herself with frustration, "This darn lass, actually going to find that number one silkpants in private. She is really too bold! If this matter were to spread, how would I be able to find someone to marry her? Who would dare to risk offending the number one family in the Sky Bearing Empire and accept my daughter?" In that instant, the expression on her face became ugly.