A Confession of Love

Only after everything had been set up did Ling Tian leap off from his horse. Holding on to Ling Chen, he leisurely stepped on the red carpet, walking towards the jade table at the far end.

The city guards standing at the side, as well as the Yang Family guards, almost had their eyeballs popped out of their sockets!

What mental illness had afflicted this young noble Ling today?

Seeing how Ling Tian had zero intention to greet him, Yang Lei, who was a generation senior to Ling Tian, could only harrumph loudly and spit out, "Uncultured junior!", before turning his horse around and commanding, "Let’s go!"

Seeing the Yang family leave, a smile hung on Ling Tian’s face. Pulling Ling Chen to sit beside him, his expression suddenly changed to one of determination.