NanGong's Conditions

Sky Bearing City

The Great Blessing Inn where the NanGong Family was staying at. Due to the large amount of troops they brought, they decided to just rent the whole inn!

"Peng!" A middle-aged man slammed the table and snarled, "Yang KongQun, you are really vicious! You will definitely not let matters rest if you don’t wipe out my NanGong Family! If that’s the case, how would I, NanGong TianLong, let you off so easily!"

NanGong TianLong! This middle-aged man was the family head of the NanGong Family, NanGong TianLing! He had hidden himself in the troops of the NanGong Family indeed!

In front of him, NanGong TianHu and the number one junior of the NanGong Family, NanGong WuMing, was seated. Behind them, a frail looking lady with vengeance filled eyes was seated — she was NanGong Yu!