Repaying Kindness with Evil

Ling Tian took in a deep breath, his hand patting Ling Jian’s shoulders while he looked at the rest, and spoke in a serious tone, "Brothers, what I, Ling Tian, need is not a group of merciless killers. I need a group of brothers that I can entrust my heart and soul to! You guys must not only be able to work for me; you also must accompany me. I want to see each and every one of you get married and have children, to enjoy this world. You are all my brothers! Do you understand?"

It was close to noon by the time that Ling Tian returned to his residence. He happened to bump into Xiao YanXue, who was carrying an assortment of packages and about to leave the residence with her bodyguards. "Miss Xiao, don’t you get tired going out to play every day? I’m worried about you!" he said.