Revealing Trump Card

NanGong Yu’s face immediately turned blue as she thought, Who said that this darn Ling Tian was an uneducated rogue? With just a simple few sentences, he made me completely speechless. Everyone knows that my NanGong Family and the Yang Family are opposing each other despite us being in-laws on the surface. My deceased brother is the son-in-law of the Yang Family. For me to openly say that the hatred between the Yang and NanGong Family is irreconcilable, wouldn’t that create rumors?!

Thinking for a long while, NanGong Yu continued to remain silent. She was certain that Ling Tian wasn't the silkpants in the local legends. Instead, he was a powerful opponent. After a long while, she then decided to go in a different direction and gave a bow, "It is difficult to fool a wise man. I never imagined that the number one silkpants of the Sky Bearing Empire was a wise man! The people of the world are just too foolish! You have really opened this little sister’s eyes today."