Terms of Alliance

"That’s right, the NanGong Family is a famous family from the southeast region and all who come out from there will definitely live up to their fame!" Ling Tian almost burst out laughing and he raised his teacup to NanGong TianLong, "Chen’er, bring the best wine in my room over. My mood is good today and this young noble will have a good drink with Family Head NanGong."

"Young noble Ling is too polite," after NanGong TianLong declined Ling Tian modestly, he remembered the reason he came here today, "haiz, I am really ashamed. This old man is here to seek forgiveness from young noble Ling."

"Oh?" Ling Tian’s eyes lit up but his tone was still indifferent, "What kind of a crime did Family Head NanGong commit? Besides, I am still young and belong to the younger generation. How can I accept such words from Family Head NanGong?"