Bloody Mess

Bearing with the palpitations of her heart, Yang Xue got off her bed trembling with fear, stumbling for a few times before finally finding the flint to light a lamp. After grabbing onto it with much difficulty, she had to strike it for more than 10 times before the lamp was finally lit.

Yang Xue carefully raised up the small lamp and walked to her bedside. As she unknowingly glanced at her hand, she suddenly realized that it was stained with blood! She couldn't help but let out a shriek and almost fainted on the spot!

As she approached the dripping sounds, Yang Xue lowered her head to take a look and her body trembled from what she saw. The place where her pillow was placed was filled with a puddle of blood! The eye-catching bright red puddle was dripping down from her bed slowly with a barely audible ‘ta-ta’ sound.