Third Master’s Poem

Originally, the various scholars all came over to Smoky Thea in order to achieve some sort of fame for themselves and get some background. Another reason was that they were unsatisfied with the tag of ‘number one scholar under heaven’ that was given to XiMen Qing. If they attended this meeting and managed to stump him, would that not be a reputable matter?

But no one expected that after only a mere few minutes since the event began, the number one scholar XiMen Qing had actually been beaten until he looked like a dog with its tail between its legs. While this was heartening to all the audience on the scene, it also proved the prowess of the other ‘talented scholar’, Ling Tian! However, composing poems could be considered the forte of most of those present, and all of them immediately started to mentally compose drafts. Some of them even began to try and recall all their best works, secretly seeking for one that would suit the occasion today.