I Am No Hero

Meng LiGe pondered over Ling Tian’s words for a moment before suddenly raising his head to ask, "If young noble were to stage an uprising, what would you do? What would the commoners be to you?"

"Tools!" Ling Tian said without a shred of hesitation, "If I were to stage an uprising to conquer the continent, the commoners of the continent would be the sharpest tool in my hands! Wealth can be extracted from them to build up my army. Their men can be conscripted to become my army. The commoner's will can become the support for my movement. The rage of the commoners can be incited to justify my actions! As such, if I were to stage an uprising, the commoners would be my tools!"

Meng LiGe frowned, "What if young noble becomes the ruler of the continent? What would you do? How would you deal with the commoners?"