The Show Begins

Kong YuanYang had heard about this matter more than ten times already. Every time he heard about it, he felt as though he entered a cool room on a scorching day, as he was extremely pleased with the news. Seeing his rival who had always been a step above him in such a pathetic state, Kong YuanYang couldn't help but feel a wave of elation as he mocked Ye BaiFei's misery. While he had already heard about this matter so many times, Kong YuanYang wasn't tired of hearing it in the slightest and even teased Ye BaiFei about it today.

However, it was a pity that he didn't understand, because anyone who had participated in that previous fight was extremely clear that Ling Chen was no ordinary lass but a frightening expert. Be it Ye BaiFei or the rest who had participated in the previous battle, they had felt a wave of fear when facing the lady with exceptional martial arts!