Thousand Year Blood Ginseng

Once DongFang JingLei spoke, everyone nodded their heads fervently like chickens pecking corn, and BeiMing Kong added in, "That's right, General Yang, you should return to your residence as soon as possible. I believe that once the Yang Family Head receives the news, he can make a more informed decision. Young noble Yang's death has to be avenged, but not by blaming an innocent party and letting the evildoer go scot-free." As he spoke, he coughed twice hoarsely. Apparently, he had also been injured internally from the clash just now.

Everyone on the scene twitched, what another load of bullsh*t, this was as good as not saying anything! But everyone on the scene still nodded, praising the idea.

Yang Lei took advantage of the situation to retreat without losing his face, coldly remarking, "This Yang will go back and inform my father. This murder in blood, I'll definitely repay it with blood. No matter who the murderer is, our Yang family won't let him go!"