Pine Forest

Ling Chen took the note to take a look and couldn't help but smile, "When we ambushed the XiMen Family and Blood Slaughter Pavilion, we didn't find a trace of Ye BaiFei from the start to the end of the whole incident. Ye BaiFei's martial arts aren't weak, and he has a resolute personality. If he were to be left alone to do as he wishes, he would be a possible threat to young noble's plans. Thus, when young noble was dealing with XiMen Qing in the Smoky Thea Tower, I got Ling Jian to lead Ling Chi and the rest to the hiding spot of the Blood Slaughter Pavilion. Just as we had expected, Ye BaiFei had not recovered from his injuries yet and didn't have anyone to guard him. Thus, Ling Jian and the rest had captured him without much difficulty, and he is presently being locked up in the Ling Family Courtyard."