Ling Chen's Improvement

"Young noble, are we really going to let the Xiao Family leave peacefully like that?" Ling Chen asked with a frown.

"Mmm," Ling Tian responded with a smile, "the Xiao Family is leaving because they think that their goals were achieved. The Heaven Splitter had already successfully gained the attention of the whole continent and would definitely cause chaos to break out. In their predictions, regardless of who obtains the Heaven Splitter, they would definitely stage an uprising in a year at the latest. The Xiao Family is definitely preparing for war upon their return. However, what they don't know is that the party that obtained the Heaven Splitter is one which no one in the continent would dare to provoke. Furthermore, that party is also the only power without any ambitions to conquer the continent. However, this is something that no one would be able to guess!"