Rushing out of the Encirclement

A cavalry saber appeared out of nowhere, carrying with it a radiance that looked like the splendor of a meteor shower as it rushed towards Wei ChengPing! A few of the guards immediately lost their composure as they raised their swords to block the incoming blow! With a few 'ka ka ka' sounds, the swords of the guards all shattered, falling to the ground while the guards themselves were thrown out bleeding from all orifices! They probably wouldn't survive the next hour. However, while it seemed like the guards had achieved their purpose of knocking the threat off course, the saber miraculously managed to bury itself in the belly of Wei ChengPing's warhorse! The poor warhorse was sliced in two, while the cavalry saber seemed to still have excess strength, flying for another twenty to thirty feet before stabbing into the ground!

Wei ChengPing was only a hair's breadth from suffering the same fate as his warhorse!